Monitoring of road traffic related effects in the Alpine Space and common measures
Alpine Space Programme
Suchen Drucken Kontakt
Update of iMONITRAF scenarios 2030

As a basis for setting the future agenda of the iMONITRAF! partnership, the network has prepared a new set of policy scenarios for the timeframe 2030. The scenarios build on the DPSIR approach that has been developed in the frame of iMONITRAF! in 2012 but considers new trends and developments: technological change both on road and rail is faster than anticipated in the previous scenarios and the objective of decarbonisation of transport has gained importance. The policy scenarios start from a Reference scenario 2030, which is derived from today’s situation. In addition, three policy scenarios which consider different rationales are assessed: a Modal shift scenario which assumes a very ambitious modal shift policy mix, a Technology scenario which assumes an accelerated market diffusion of alternative technologies and a Combined scenario which integrates the positive aspects of both approaches.

Download: iMONITRAF! scenarios 2030 (2020)